Anti-Gun Companies & Organizations (Partial List)

  • 7-Eleven Inc.
  • 20/20 Vision
  • A&M Records
  • AOL / Time Warner
  • AT&T / Worldcom Corp.
  • AMC Theatres
  • AARP - American Association of Retired Persons       - Switch to: AMAC   888-262-2006
  • American Bar Association
  • ACLU - American Civil Liberties Union
  • American Federation of Labor
  • American Federation of Teachers
  • AMA - American Medical Association
  • Americans for Gun Safety
  • AutoZone
  • Bank of America       - Switch to: Any local credit union
  • BATF - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms
  • Burger King
  • ABC - American Broadcast Company (liberal propaganda)       - Switch to: Fox News
  • CBS - Columbia Broadcasting System (liberal propaganda)       - Switch to: Fox News
  • CNN - Cable News Network (liberal propaganda)       - Switch to: Fox News
  • NBC - National Broadcast Company (liberal propaganda)       - Switch to: Fox News
  • MSNBC - This is the (liberal propaganda) merger between Microsoft & General Electric's NBC.   - Switch to: Fox News
  • Center to Prevent Handgun Violence
  • Comcast
  • Compuserve
  • Costco
  • Dannon Company, Inc.
  • Delta Airlines       - Switch to: Southwest Airlines whenever possible
  • Dick's Sporting Goods & Field & Stream
  • Disney Company
  • Ebay
  • Enterprise
  • Gateway Computers
  • Google       - Switch to: BING
  • Greenpeace
  • Hallmark Cards
  • Hard Rock Cafe
  • HBO - Home Box Office/Cable Network
  • League of Women Voters of the United States
  • Levi Straus Foundation
  • Lucent Technologies Inc.
  • MetLife
  • Microsoft
  • MTV - Music Television/Cable Network
  • NCR Corp.
  • Netscape
  • PETA
  • Progressive Insurance       - Switch to: State Farm (or) USAA
  • Sara Lee
  • Showtime Cable Network
  • Sierra Club
  • Southwestern Bell
  • Symantic Corp
  • United Airlines
  • United Nations
  • Walt Disney Company

Be aware that these companies support anti-gun politics.
I'll bet you can imagine some way to convince them
that Americans don't want gun control.

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